Liberty West Regional Center


Contact Phone
17470 N. Pacesetter Way Scottsdale, AZ 85255

Our Liberty West regional center spans through all of Arizona, southern California and soon southern Nevada, including the great cities of Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix and Las Vegas.

The American Southwest offers a young, educated workforce and elegant family neighborhoods with access to a growing culture of art, music and fine dining. Ethnic populations are thriving and there are numerous businesses, markets, churches and restaurants providing specific cultural services.
The Southwest offers a wide variety of climates ranging from arid desert, high forest mountains, ocean side communities and everything in between. Residents enjoy sophisticated spas, fashionable shopping malls and world-class golf resorts. No place in the United States offers the range of outdoor living and activities available like the Southwest.
Education is important and the Southwest is home to some impressive universities and colleges. The University of Southern California enrolls the most international students in the country and is also one of the world’s leading private research universities. Arizona State University (rated one of the top 100 universities in the world) has developed a new model for the American research university, creating an institution that is committed to excellence, access and impact.