Yacub Law Offices

Yacub Law Offices


Yacub Law Offices
703 424 7514
12761 Darby Brook Ct. Suite 102, Woodbridge, VA, 22192

Facing immigration, criminal or civil suits our clients walk into the courtroom confident. They know that the government and the insurance companies have deep pockets. But our clients also know that with Yacub Law Office, the playing field is tilted in our favor.

Experience, education, and enthusiam matter. Few law firms have these three attributes as pillars of their practice. With these attributes, Yacub Law Office litigates cutting edge issues in administrative, criminal and civil proceedings. The attorneys practice in the Immigration Courts, Board of Immigration Appeals, United States District Courts and the Court of Appeals.

Whether your needs are business, immigration, serious injuries, or criminal, tilt the playing field in your favor. Contact us to make an appointment and an experienced attorney will review your case.

If you are facing a legal challenge involving immigration law, criminal defense, personal injury, civil rights violations or appellate practice, turn to the experienced attorneys of Yacub Law Office.