Law Offices Clara Diez

Law Offices Clara Diez


Law Offices Clara Diez
(754) 273-8283
(954) 881-8255
P.O. Box 327265 , Fort Lauderdale, FL, 33332

Law Offices Clara Diez is headed by Attorney Clara Diez. She is admitted to practice law before the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico and also in the state of Florida. She is an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, the American Bar Association, and the Florida Bar.

Ms. Diez was born in Cuba, and moved to Florida as a child. Most of her life was then spent in Puerto Rico, where she founded one of the premier law firms specializing in business immigration. She has now expanded her practice to South Florida.

Ms. Diez has over 25 years of experience in the field of immigration law. Her clients include an array of businesses and international corporations, professional, skilled and unskilled workers, among which are investors, corporate executives from high-tech and traditional industries, such as entertainment, banking and finance, manufacturing, agricultural, hospitality, medicine, pharmaceutical, and technology-based industries.

She has been a frequent contributor to local newspapers and magazines on immigration topics, as well as a speaker in immigration seminars and local radio stations. As an active member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, she has served as liaison between the membership and the USCIS.