Guangzhou Investment Advisory Co.

Guangzhou Investment Advisory Co.


Guangzhou Investment Advisory Co.
Panyu District, Guangzhou City College Road, opposite Clifford Changhua Commercial Street, A26 , China

Guangzhou Investment Advisory Co., Ltd. is a company with extensive experience in overseas consulting services of professional consultants. The company's services include: foreign investment, national immigration, study abroad, the Company Law by integrity, rigorous service, with a group of honest, professional, experienced highly qualified consultants, will be able to help you achieve immigration or studying dreams, allowing you to fly higher!

Services: Immigration, study 

Immigration: PR professional for investment immigration, skilled migrants, entrepreneurial immigrants, family class immigrants in Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Britain, the Netherlands, Singapore, Hong Kong and other countries and regions, and other services. PR professional advisers will be based on the latest immigration policy in different countries, combined with the background and the advantages of a variety of customers, tailored to compose the most appropriate immigration program to provide money for all successful people, immigrants and overseas investment and efficient manner.       

Study abroad: the United States through the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and other countries of the many universities, colleges and language training institutions to establish friendly and cooperative relations, for the majority of the intention to further studies overseas students to provide professional, full orientation consulting services.