Laura Devine Immigration Lawyers


Laura Devine Immigration Lawyers
+1 (212) 661 5401/2/3/4
+1 (212) 661 5405
295 Madison Avenue, 44th Floor, New York, NY, 10017
New York

Laura Devine launched Laura Devine Solicitors (LDS) in June 2003. Laura established the immigration practice at Coopers & Lybrand (now PwC) in 1990 and then set up the London immigration team at Eversheds, which she successfully headed as a joint venture in 1996 before transferring the entire practice to LDS. 

Today, LDS is recognised by all major legal directories as a pre-eminent immigration practice, ranked in 'Band 1'. 

The firm is distinguished for its "sheer number of first class practitioners" with incredible knowledge of immigration legislation; Laura Devine is a "real star" in the field and recognised for her "prowess", Sophie Barrett-Brown's "knowledge of the points based system is second to none", and Anastasia Tonello has "superb knowledge on complex US law".