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Foster LLP
(713) 229-8733
(713) 228-1303
600 Travis Street Suite 2000, Houston, TX, 77002
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Immigration Attorney



Foster LLP Map


John MeyerRobert LoughranCharles C. FosterChristian  TriantaphyllisYiting  Dora Hu

Last Update: September 06, 2016 06:10 AM

Firm was viewed 3671 times (total).

Foster LLP


Foster is a preeminent, global immigration law firm providing comprehensive solutions for businesses, families and individuals. Renowned for responsive, personalized service, the firm works on behalf of the largest corporations worldwide, as well as top emerging and midmarket companies.

Founded in 1973 by Charles Foster in Houston, Texas, Foster has been a trusted leader in U.S. and international immigration law for over 40 years. Through decades of leadership, Foster has received innumerable recognitions for its strategic work. Today, Foster is the largest minority-owned immigration law firm in the U.S. and has the most board-certified attorneys in immigration and nationality law in Texas.

Through experience, leadership and technology, Foster’s team solves the most complex immigration matters, while never forgetting that people are the focus of the firm’s practice.


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Foster LLP: Map

600 Travis Street Suite 2000, Houston, TX, 77002

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