Law Offices of Wendy Shi

Law Offices of Wendy Shi


Law Offices of Wendy Shi
19200 Von Karman Ave. STE 400, Irvine, CA, 92612

Law Offices of Wendy Shi are exceptional in our commitment to provide China dispute resolution service on a contingency fee basis, working independently or through our close relationships with local law firms throughout China.

We also provide transaction services for clients doing business in or with China.

Wendy Shi is an attorney, currently licensed in California, with extensive negation and dispute resolution experience in China.  Ms. Shi was born and raised in China.

Ms. Shi holds a B.S. in computer science from Nanjing University in China, and obtained her lawyer certificate in China in 1998 and was an associate attorney at the Zhong Meng Law Office in China from 1999 to 2001. She moved to the U.S. in 2002 and received her J.D. from University of Colorado Law School in 2006.

Ms. Shi was a corporate attorney at Messner & Reeves, LLP in Denver, Colorado from 2006 to 2008.  From 2009 through 2012, Ms. Shi was general counsel for Gaofei Consulting Services (Beijing) Co., Ltd., an American owned consulting firm located in China managing portfolios valued at approximately $400 million.  Ms. Shi provided comprehensive legal and business services for international clients with high value distressed assets and investments located in China, including managing and supervising litigation and other dispute resolution.  Ms. Shi personally devised the strategies for efficient and quick resolution for very complex cases using various negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and litigation techniques.

Through both her personal experiences and those related to having practiced law in both the United States and China, Ms. Shi is able to deftly and successfully navigate the intricacies of legal matters related to China.  Understanding the lack of transparency in the Chinese systems, and the lack of independence of the court system, in addition to the culture chasm, Ms. Shi provides the bridge between the two vibrant economies, allowing the client to focus on success while she handles the important legal matters to ensure such success.