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Wildes & Weinberg P.C.
(212) 753-3468
515 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10022
New York
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Wildes & Weinberg P.C. Map


Michael WildesuserStacey Simon

Last Update: November 02, 2016 09:41 AM

Firm was viewed 4228 times (total).

Wildes & Weinberg P.C.


With offices in New York, New Jersey and Florida, Wildes & Weinberg, P.C., perhaps the United States' premier law firm concentrating in the immigration and nationality field, grew out of the practice of Leon Wildes, Esq., a distinguished immigration practitioner in New York City. Its original clientele consisted of individuals, rather than corporations, who had been placed in deportation or exclusion proceedings, lost their American citizenship, or were otherwise in jeopardy. Founded in 1960, the practice expanded steadily as word of its outstanding achievements in individual cases spread in the international community, attracting clients from a broad range of nations.


  • The Future of the EB-5 Program

Wildes & Weinberg P.C.: Map

515 Madison Avenue, 6th Floor, New York, NY, 10022

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