South Dakota Department of Agriculture

South Dakota Department of Agriculture


South Dakota Department of Agriculture
523 East Capitol Avenue Joe Foss Building, 3rd Floor, Peirre, SD, 57501
South Dakota

The South Dakota Department of Agriculture can aid in planning and writing grants. This resource is available to small businesses, local governments, producer groups, producers, individuals and anyone with an interest in South Dakota agriculture and rural development.

Planning and writing a grant takes a considerable amount of time, but the rewards can be worth it if the project is funded. Grants usually require the applicant to provide matching funds.

The South Dakota Department of Agriculture is comprised of seven divisions.

South Dakota received Regional Center Designation in April 2004. It is the 27th Regional Center to be approved and is one on only a few Regional Centers that continuously existed since 2004. It continues today to be one of the most viable Regional Centers in the United States.