Bright Green Group of Companies

Bright Green Group of Companies


Bright Green Group of Companies
(505) 552-2021
+40 (0) 012 345 6789
502, DieSachbearbeiter, Schönhauser Allee, Berlin, 167c10435, Germany

The Bright Green Group of Companies and the Acoma Pueblo Native American tribe have partnered to create the world’s most advanced, state-of-the-art greenhouse facility and research center for medicinal plants.

The development will occupy approximately 150 acres of the Acoma Indian Reservation. After the two-year construction project is completed, the facility will have the capacity to grow up to 40 million plants per year.

Bright Green is developing a line of beverages for health and enjoyment that will be distributed through the company’s smart kiosks. The kiosks are centrally managed at Bright Green headquarters where administrators can remotely control all aspects of product sales.

The company’s core product will be oil extracted from medicinal plants, which is the most consistent and pure in the industry, suitable for all food and drug uses.